t-Rx7100 Rail Shunt Augmenter System 

– In Stock; Ships in 24 hrs.

High-Output Rail Shunt Augmenter System for Improving Rail / Wheel Electrical Interface

The Genesis t-Rx7100 (pronounced tee-rex) Rail Shunt Augmenter or Shunt Enhancer helps to electrically “bite through” rust and contaminants that prevent reliable wheel/rail shunting required for railroad signal warning systems. It has long been recognized that “whetting” the rail with a DC voltage provides better rail/wheel electrical conductivity by providing enough potential (voltage) and energy (amperage) to electrically conduct through resistive layers of rust and other railhead contaminants. When the t-Rx7100 is used in conjunction with a motion sensor or grade-crossing predictor that offers “rusty-rail shunting software or firmware,” both inbound and outbound rail shunting problems can be virtually eliminated.   

The t-Rx7100 Rail Shunt Augmenter should be considered as a possible solution for poor rail/wheel shunting when the following conditions exist:

  • Crossing signals use motion sensors or constant-warning equipment
  • Dark territory (no wayside signals)
  • Rail traffic is such that rust and contaminants accumulate on railhead surface between trains (typically less than one or two trains per day)
  • Rail cars are empty or otherwise lightweight and do not consistently shunt the rails


  • 7.1 VDC & 6.8 Amps Output to Track
  • 120 VAC Line or 12 VDC Battery Input Power
  • System Diagnostic Front Panel Indicators
  • Circuit Breaker Input Overcurrent Protection
  • Inputs and Outputs Fully Isolated
  • Automatic Switchover to DC Battery if 120 VAC Fails
  • Input and Output Internal Surge Protection
  • Plug-in Input/Output Connector – AWG 10 to 24 Solid or Stranded Wire
  • Wall or Rack Mount Enclosed Ventilated Enclosure
  • Expandable for 2-Track Applications
  • Three-Year Limited Warranty


  • 7.1 VDC track output helps “bite through” rust and other railhead surface contaminants for greatly improved shunting
  • Maintainer can see input power status “at a glance” with front panel LED indicators
  • Circuit breaker input protection eliminates fuses and possibility of using inappropriate fuse size or type
  • Heavy-duty drive electronics and internal surge protection yields greater reliability
  • Easily mounted enclosure takes up minimal space
  • System Check “health” output can activate signals if track output voltage fails
  • Meets or exceeds AREMA recommended practice

Ordering Infomation 

To order the t-Rx7100 Rail Shunt Augmenter specify:

t-RX7100, p/n 08033-2000.
In Stock; Ships in 24 hrs.